Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Hardships. Most of us, as much as possible, don't want to about this horrible thing. In a usual dictionary, it is defined as suffering, problem, agony etc. Sometimes, or most of the times, we are experiencing too much dosage of it. Too much, that it comes to a point we even lose faith. But that must not happen. It is not God's fault why we are experiencing those. It's natural that we get hurt. Wake up! We're mere humans. We must even be thankful to God. Because through hardships, we are being strengthen. Our faith grows, without us noticing it, if we take hardships positively. Always remember that God will never give you a problem that you can't handle. Too much? Well, be flattered because that's how much the Lord believes in you. Yes, hardships are bitter. But just like ampalaya, they provide many vitamins and minerals that you need to be healthy. Yes, it sucks but see it is a big help. Wait a minute. God doesn't always feed us with this. If ever He does, we'll get tired of it. So sometimes, He also provides us with comfort. So, it's like a balanced diet, for the soul! If everything in our life is balanced, we can live a worthy, blessed and happy life. Never get sick of those problems, those are trainings for you to face the bigger ones. Remember, God is always bigger than our problems.

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